Business Philosophy
We – that is the team of Pedrics – like to turn things and thoughts upside down now and again. We like to contemplate problems from different angles and perspectives. We do that in order to supply our customers with customized solutions and to thereby grant them an advantage in competition.
This special attitude is represented in the way we found our company's name: The last letters of the words "roPE tester anD otheR electronICS" make up the word PEDRICS.
The whole development of all the components of our measuring system is solely in our hands. Starting with the mechanical parts of the sensor up to the hardware and software of the electronic parts. This asset of self-reliance enables us to constantly adapt and enhance our products to the needs of our customers.
We are convicted that we improve as well through the various ideas and special needs of our customers.
As far as software development is concerned we are determined to always provide both a version for Windows and a version for Linux. Platform independent software and open source alternatives are our concern and both of them are used and promoted by our company.